Friday, October 15, 2010


People all over the world are now obesity. The way most people get to the obesity stage is by eating too much fast food. I’m not saying that no one else eats it that is skinny because everyone eats fast food, but some people eat it way too much. A lot of people now these days don’t exercise like they should, they say well I don’t have the time. Well with all that extra fat it makes a lot more work for your heart. Your heart has to push blood through the fat. By doing that your heart is working more than it should so you have a higher chance of getting a heart attack.
Coronary angiography may reveal severe coronary artery disease in many vessels, or a narrowing of the left main coronary artery (the vessel supplying most of the blood to the heart). In these circumstances, the cardiologist may recommend emergency coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). This procedure is also called "open heart surgery." The surgeon takes either a vein or artery from another location in your body and uses it to bypass the blocked coronary artery.
 Most heart attacks are caused by a blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. The coronary arteries bring blood and oxygen to the heart. If the blood flow is blocked, the heart starves for oxygen and heart cells die.
Symptoms of a heart attack include:
•Light-headedness, dizziness
•Nausea or vomiting
•Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating too fast)
•Shortness of breath
•Sweating, which may be extreme

Monday, October 11, 2010

How Do You Know What Will Be Right?

I always hear the saying “some people take the right path and some people don’t.” How do you know if you are making the right decision or wrong? How can you know what is going to happen to you if you made just one bad chose or took a different path in life. You don’t have someone telling you what to do so you have a good life. You have to go with what you think is right at the moment and hope it really was. But it does not happen to everyone.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Share Your Hard Times And Live

Everyone had something bad happen to them in their life if not yet it will happen. People have deaths, abuse or something like that those. With deaths you want to remember them bout it is too painful to remember them so you ignore it and never deal with it so you can’t move on in your life. Things that happen to some people it’s so bad that they can’t live their lives to the fullest. Some people just hide from their feelings. Well you should not; people will be there to support you no matter what you just have to open up. You might not think no one is there but it’s because you never tried to share your feelings. You will learn and find new and better things and people to live your life so open up and share.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Cheerleading Is A Sport

Why Cheerleading Is a Sport
Cheerleading is a really sport for several different reasons. Everyone always says that we just throw around pom poms, well to tell you the truth that just makes it a little bit harder. When you have the pom poms in your hand they just get crapped up by holding them in one way for so long, and not be able to let go no matter what. Every sport has to learn no new moves, plays or whatever else, just like cheerleading we have to learn new formation, move words, and stunts and also moves. When you put them all together it is not all that easy to do. So you know how football players lift weights well we lift girls. When one girl goes down, we all go down its like dominos. There is ect. But if you went for a day you will understand.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hate to be short

I hate to be short! Everyone always makes fun of me, and tells me how short I am every day. I wonder if they have anything else better to do with their lives. When I stand next to someone twice the size of me it drives me crazy, I have to look up to them so I can see them. I feel even more unconfident about myself. Also my neck starts to hurt me, I can only look up for so long. Also I can never reach anything for my life.  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who do you want to be?

Everyone stays with their click, like the saying goes “you’re either a football player or a cheerleader or you’re just a no body.” Well who says it has to stay that way. Why  be one kind of person if you want someone to like you. Why not be different and be yourself. Find the people you like instead of changing yourself to fit in. join clubs after school that you thought about but never had the courage to do it, because you were afraid to have someone judge you. Also try a sport that you always wanted but you never thought you could never do it because of that one person. Just because of that one person that made fun of you saying you can’t well then prove them wrong an do it. Well like I always say if someone has to make fun of you for fun then they are just jealous and want to be like you otherwise why wouldn’t they just leave you alone and ignore you like everyone else does.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fashion shows who you are

In my eyes fashion says who you are. There is a person that cares, tries, and takes it a step farther. When I look at someone it’s not just a jock, girly girl, gothic, hippie, or anything. When I really look at you I see who you are. It can be a person who cares like the symbols on your shirt represents you. The symbols represent who you are if you care about nature, sports, and whatever else you might love. It’s not just about your clothes on the other hand. It’s about if you put on make-up or style your hair and make it stand out or if you put on jewelry. If you do all of those then I know that you care about yourself and how you look. If not than I know you don’t care as much and that you only care about who the person is in side of them.